Introduction This best practice guide deals with Small Arms and Light Weapons (hereafter “SALW”) as categorized and defined by the Nairobi Declaration and the Nairobi Protocol1. This categorization includes firearms, ammunition and related materials. The aim of the guide is to elaborate a framework for the development of policy, review of National legislation, general operationalBest Practice Guidelines for the Implementation of the Nairobi Declaration and the Nairobi Protocol on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Avant-propos La menace de la prolifération des armes légères et de petit calibre (ALPC) illicites dans la region RECSA des Grands Lacs et de la Corne de l’Afrique ainsi que dans les Etats limitrophes, a persisté pendant plus de deux décennies malgré les efforts conjugués déployés par les Etats membres et les parties prenantes régionalesLignes directrices pour la création et le fonctionnement des institutions nationales chargées de la gestion et du contrôle des armes légères et de petit calibre
Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) best practices are identified in the Nairobi Protocol and other SALW regional and international instruments as one of the priority areas in the fight against illicit SALW proliferation. They provide ways for potential improvements to stockpile safety and management. While the quality of practices varies from member state toPSSM Handbook
The concept of Practical Disarmament was first used in 1995 in the UN’s “Supplement to an Agenda for Peace”, reinforcing arms reduction efforts in response to the new phenomena of small arms possession by non-state actors. It reflected the need to target this new group with practical measures different from the regulations and sanctions forPRACTICAL DISARMAMENT FOR THE RECSA REGION
The persisting proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the RECSA region continues to cause not only the loss of millions of lives but also millions of dollars in lost development opportunities. In 2000 some RECSA member states signed the Nairobi Declaration of 2000 on the problem of the illicit proliferation ofGuidelines for Establishment of National Institutions